How do I become a member of KCAR?
How do I get my license?
There are several steps to obtaining your real estate license in Delaware. First, you must complete a 99 hour pre-licensing course accredited by the Delaware Real Estate Commission. You must also pass a two-part standardized licensing examination administered by a professional testing service. Then you must submit an application to the Delaware Real Estate Commission within one year of completion of the pre-licensing course and pay all appropriate fees. Lastly, the applicant needs to submit an affidavit stating he/she has not engaged in any acts or offenses that would be grounds for discipline. Click here for more information.
What education courses do you have coming up?
The Kent County Association of REALTORS® offers many continuing education courses throughout the year. Please visit www.kcar.org frequently to view a list of upcoming classes.
What is an affiliate member?
Affiliate members are individuals who are in a profession with interests in real estate-related information. Examples of affiliate members include builders, mortgage company officials, and home inspectors.
How do I become an affiliate member?
Fill out the affiliate membership application form and email or fax it to the KCAR office. Payment can be mailed in or paid over the phone. Memberships range from basic to Corporate Premier with fees ranging from $175 to $1,000 annually. We ask that you please provide all requested information so that we may contact you and promote your business throughout the year.
REALTOR® Resources
National Association of REALTORS®
http://www.realtor.org/ REALTOR® Action Center TREND MLS INNOVIA MLS |
Delaware Real Estate Commission
http://www.dpr.delaware.gov/boards/realestate/ The CE Shop State of Delaware License Verification Delaware State Housing Authority |
State of Delaware Resources
State of Delaware
www.delaware.gov Kent County Levy Court |
Delaware Center for Educational Technology
http://www.dcet.k12.de.us Delaware Teacher Center Delaware Center for Distance Adult Learning |